Summon set up - Tiamat X Huanglong (OTK) / Qilin (Bursts) / Grimnir (Regular use). Both of these weapons drop from Morrigna. Double Tiamat summons will provide 100% Crit with three Last Storm Harps, which are the core of this grid. Note that this weapon is the weakest Normal Weapon option in terms of grid strength, so you potentially lose some power by slotting it in. For the ULB skill generally the recommended one is Stamina but Progression can also work if you're using 2 VotV and a double Zephyrus summon set up. 8. Ideally the EX/Unknowns should consist of Xeno, Proving Grounds, or Hollowsky Weapons as they are currently the strongest options.– Xeno weapons are the default choice and provide 23% EX/Unknown modifier as well as strong Charge Attack effects when used as mainhands. EX modifiers - usually only one, with the priority being Hollowsky weapons, which affects most of the teamand outperform Xeno weapons. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Pooky’s Ponderings – Omega/Magna Wind Grid Guide,,,, Some things to remember. 9.2/10 from 6 users. Monitibibp ismerve martin szeretnénk feldobni életünket. The Seraphic Weapon is essentially an auto-include while fighting with Elemental Advantage. Make sure you know what you’re getting into before your spend all your mats on a 5-star CCW! An Ultima MH is also useful for the Elemental ATK up which double Tiamat setups really benefit from. Your dark grid doesn't have an EX mod. These options are the most prevalent due to the nature of the grid as a whole as they provide either extra multiattack or the valuable wind attack buff, which not many of the higher end wind characters can provide and is often needed to consistently reach cap. I’ll add it to my site eventually. In terms of damage, a combination of three LE/Reunion and three Vortex roughly matches the grid strength of 5 Massive ATK/Medium Stamina Grand Weapons. spark calculator. This page was last edited on 27 May 2020, at 19:11. 2. This weapon should not be used without Elemental Advantage as it only provides 10-12% Normal ATK/HP from its Majesty skill which can be easily surpassed with other weapons.Note that Tiamat (Character) at 5* gains a passive that gives your party 20% Seraphic Modifier (equivalent to the Blessing skil from the Seraphic Weapon). Either lose the baha or the ultima. God’s love is forever. Earth’s most iconic Eternal, Sarasa can be referred to in 3 ways (like her number). Episode 07 45m. It's primary uses are OTKs with Huanglong main/support summon or Qilin support bursts but it's perfectly usable with a Grimnir main/support summon, just its damage will severely plummet if when you take damage. Decorate your laptops, water bottles, helmets, and cars. Shiraishi: “The more events I see her in, the more she feels like a main character. A completed grid would look like this if it's geared towards ougis/OTK: Or like this if it's geared towards general use: Third set up is 100% reliant on ULB opus and should not be used without it, Primal grids for wind are generally fairly flexible but 2 distinct grids can still be outlined for it. Eternal Love. Seraphic weapon - same as for the standard M2 grid but there are no flex slots. Ono Yuuki is a power gamer, so he would love to be the 11th Eternal. Love Eternal - prefered for squeezing out as much raw damage out of the grid as possible. Report Save. If you have Niyon/Nio (particularly her 5*) and/or Seofon/Siete (or other Normal buffers), their buffs can reduce the value of other Normal weapons/buffs; make sure to take this into consideration when doing your calculations!– Consider an Atma/Ultima Weapon if your team consists of characters that share weapon proficiencies in order to benefit from a Gauph Key or if you can utilize the DMG Cap option from its Ultima Key. 96 comments. The Strife Key (20% DA/TA for characters sharing a weapon proficiency with the Atma/Ultima) is normally the default choice, but for compositions focused on 1T Charge Attack setups, Strength (13% Normal Stamina) may be a better option.– If your team’s races fit into one of the Bahamut Weapon’s restrictions, a Bahamut Weapon is a good choice, providing up to 32% Normal ATK and 18% Normal HP modifiers at the Coda stage.– Consider Qinglong Spear Malus in situations where you find yourself being able to utilize the extra 7% DMG Cap. Spring’s Whisperings (obtainable from Rise of the Beasts) another option for a farmable harp mainhand. Ultima Weapon Charge Attacks provide both 30% Elemental Attack and Double Attack to your team, making them good mainhand options for whatever weapon type and element you chose to make. Spear of Assail (Moon Weapon) is Wind Gisla and offers Gacha Wind an Enmity option, which can be very powerful in the right fights/setups. Vortex of the Void (Grand Weapon, Grimnir’s) compliments the raw power of the two Grand daggers very well, providing Large Stamina (15% @ 100% HP) and Medium HP (17%) with an extra Medium Debuff Resistance tacked on.One Love Eternal and one Vortex of the Void combine to give 36.5% ATK, 15% Stamina and 17% HP (with 5% DA and Medium Debuff Resistance); this combination provides less damage than two Massive ATK/Medium Stamina Grand Weapons (Eden, Ixaba, etc) which provide 44% ATK and 19% Stamina, but the added utility is very useful. Remaining grid slots - Flex slot options - any combination of the below listed can be used to fill out the remaining empty grid slots: Ultima - usually used for the cap up above anything else. For most regular setups, there is usually room for only one EX/Unknown Weapon. EX Mod - same as for the standard M2 grid, preferred - HS/Xeno, discouraged - Windhose. Other valid options include. 4 Unius - similar to how the Grimnir harps are the core weapons for the M2 wind set ups, Unius is the core for the Grand Epic primal grid due to the fact that its second skill is considered an EX mod, which can stack up to 80%, which is a number easily achievable with 4 Unius and 1 Le Fay. Basic M1 Wind grid; a minimum of one more Omega/Magna weapon should be added to complete the base grid, either another Tiamat Bolt Omega (more potential damage) or the Spear of Renunciation (provides better damage at full HP as well as an HP skill). Love Eternal - double attack mod, slightly higher attack mod total compared to Reunion. The Spear of Renunciation has both ATK and HP modifiers and can provide a Cap Up option at 4* and another modifier at 5* (Stamina is most commonly chosen [Elemental Attack may be another choice]). A completed grid should be close to this: Summon set up - Zephyrus X Zephyrus / Grimnir. Ougi - 35% DATA. Update on November 30, 2019 by Pastor Jack Wellman. The Fist is the default grid choice as it has more attack than the Spear.– Windhose (Proving Grounds) can be used as a second EX/Unknown modifier, or in the place of a Xeno. Is Zephyr Saved? Gbf Wiki Dmg Software - connectfasr. A heroic sacrifice leads to a moral battle of what to do with the body. The grids listed above are the most generally usable and useful ones I have stumbled upon during my time playing this game and because of that they are the ones I chose to highlight. ... Is it good to start investing in a Zeph grid now? I love having all of this information in one place, as opposed to having to dig through reddit posts or discord for things, so thank you for all that you do. WTS early-mid HL rank 144, 123 SSR via mobage, grid m1 + opus. The Bible is really a love letter from God to us. Seraphic weapon - same as for the standard M2 grid but with the flex slots specified bellow. However, it's been revealed that, at least on Earth-9997, the Celestials' intentions for the Eternals was not exactly as beneficial as they had thought. EVERYBODY'S GBF TOOLBOX. Episode 01 46m. Summon set up - Zephyrus X Grimnir / Zephyrus (only with 2 VotV). Unlike Parazonium, the charge attack isn't that much of an upgrade over a GW dagger; element-changed GW Dagger has 30/30 DATA for 2.5 turns and Love Eternal has 35/35 for 2.5 turns. MAO loves the world of GBF but doesn’t want to interfere in it, so while she would love to be on the Grandcypher herself, she would love to be a cat and see her favorite characters interacting without inserting herself into the scene. What it does have is an absolutely silly amount of Normal attack mod. Mar 01, 2017. The unique Blessing skill increases your final damage by a set percent (20% when SSR, 23% at 4*); this modifier can increase your damage past the regular DMG Cap. Ultima weapon if needed and if it's not used as MH. Seraphic weapon - same as for the Grand Epic primal grid. Summer Zooey combined with an Enmity-based weapon grid can destroy any Omega or most event/raid bosses in a few turns, which resulted to the "Zooey Meta".Enmity is a weapon skill that buffs characters' attack based on how much percentage of HP they're missing.In most cases, trying to get the most of the skill presents two major drawbacks. Wind also has some potential with either Crimson Sapphire or Love Eternal (oops forgot this was a dagger) as subs. In terms of 1-turn kill farming (such as Unite and Fight/GW EX+ fights), the 4* Dark Opus weapons are superior to Ultima Weapons in grid, as they will effect all your characters with a greater … Discussion. Arkab Prior (a Xeno Weapon) is your go to farmable melee mainhand. - The grid doesn't have full plus mark (it's quite a big boost with a cosmos weapon too) and I didn't equip summons with big stat. Class Champion Weapons (CCW) can range in strength from niche uses to absolute powerhouse. It is similar to Grimnir’s weapons, as it provides 25% party DA/TA on its CA. Note that this weapon is the weakest Normal Weapon option in terms of grid strength, so you potentially lose some power by slotting it in. She is so widely made because of her signature skill GROUND ZERO that will induce plain damage at the cost of reducing her HP to 1%. Note that the CA Cap up bonus maxes out at 30%. Magna modifier - max 1 - personal preference generally, best slots are Tia Fist and Tia Gun. It provides medium Magna ATK, HP and DA.– Tiamat Gauntlet Omega can offer a minor upgrade over Bolts for comps/setups that never lose HP. This grid should use at least one Normal Modifier Weapon, but no more than three (excluding the Seraphic Weapon). Windhose is made for Charge Attack/Ougi focused teams, and is very powerful with the Chrysaor class for creating quick one-turn farming setups for events (ex. Big II crit is ~12%, which is ~28.8% per weapon with single aura. Also applies DA/TA down debuffs to the enemy. It offers less EX/Unknown modifier (18% vs 23%) but increases the Chain Burst damage cap by 30% (this bonus caps at 50%). EX weapon - same as for the standard M2 grid with a slight adjustment: Windhose is only usable in situations where this grid is used for OTK and is only used in pairs, otherwise always use a single EX mod. Sky Ace has decent Swordmaster/Glorybringer skills as well. Pray. 5 Last Storm Harps - the core of the grid and a necessity to achieve 100% crit with only 1 skill boosting aura. GBF fans with no insight from RoB don't mind the change that much. These links should be helpful for anyone looking for primal wind grid guides: Gamewith: The unique Blessing skill increases your final damage by a set percent (20% when SSR, 23% at 4*); this modifier can increase your damage past the regular DMG Cap. It’s ougi effect increases your party members’ Charge Bar Gain by 20% for 2.5 turns and applies a 1-turn cut to your MC’s skill cooldowns. Second set up is a grid, made to achieve 100% crit with a single Tiamat. All allies gain Charge Bar +10% Instantly boosts Charge Bar by 10% Strength: 10%. ... it's still a great grid weapon because it has a Massive EX multiplier rather than Big EX like most other weapons. A Cosmic Rifle can be considered in a gun-heavy grid (5+ Tiamat Bolt Omega) as guns have high ATK stats and therefore gain quite the benefit from the Cosmic Weapons special weapon skill. level 2. 4. She is also nicknamed as “Cake” for her love of cake (and food in general). Wiki says that SSR Tiamat gives a total of 40% seraph boost (if she’s in main party) and not just 20%. 1-2 Vortex of the Void - this weapon is one of the the main damage sources for the grand epic grid and for primal wind grids as a whole. This weapon will generally only be used in specific scenarios aiming to maximize enmity, as normally you will be running Standard M2, which cannot support a Cosmic Weapon. Love Eternal (Grand Rosetta’s unlock weapon) is a essential a much stronger Four-Sky Blade (GW Dagger); it gives a base total of 36.5% Normal ATK mod (GW Dagger is only 15%), a 5% Normal DA mod, and gives 35% DA/TA on its Charge Attack effect. The Fist is the default grid choice as it has more attack than the Spear.– Windhose (Proving Grounds) can be used as a second EX/Unknown modifier, or in the place of a Xeno. Let's discuss what is happening to wind with Rosetta's weapon FLB. It has Small Normal Fandango (12% ATK and 2% TA) and Big Normal Sentence. Episode 08 46m. Love Eternal (Grand Rosetta’s unlock weapon) is a essential a much stronger Four-Sky Blade (GW Dagger); it gives a base total of 36.5% Normal ATK mod (GW Dagger is only 15%), a 5% Normal DA mod, and gives 35% DA/TA on its Charge Attack effect. Sky Ace (Grand Monika’s unlock weapon) is a offensively orientated mainhand and its CA provides a rare 10% DMG Amplified buff (Seraphic Modifier for auto attacks and counters) and a one-time Counter on DMG buff to your party; this makes it particularly useful if you are looking to maximize your auto attack damage. Feb 28, 2017. Remaining grid slots - Flex slot options - in the remaining grid slots if there are any you can run the following weapons: Hollowsky - only used as a cap breaking tool and only if it affects the entire team. Eternal Love Episode 56. This guide has always been a fantastic resource for me. Main Hand weapon - same as for the standard M2 grid, preferred - Reunion, discouraged - Windhose. This guide was made before Astral weapons were released, it wont be updated so keep in mind that it could be outdated. Kamigame: Because human characters are the most plentiful, most players will craft a Bahamut Dagger first, but it really just depends on what characters you have. The cap breaking is also a very valuable trait of the Dark Opus. Episode 06 45m. Useful as a one-of (the temporary buff does not stack with other copies of the bow) for 1T setups and short fights.– Spring’s Whisperings is a decent grid option if you are looking to add some HP to your team. You have 2 normal mods in fire. Unite and Fight Ex+, story events, etc). <: Reply. Main Hand weapon - 90% of the time Reunion. This would be considered the FTP primal grid. Navigate to: Coop > Raid > Create a Room. Pooky’s GBF Weapon Grid Resource. It also has a weapon skill (regardless if in grid or MH) that increases the Chain Burst damage cap by 30% (this bonus caps at 50%). Main Hand weapon - same as for the standard M2 grid. 2. share. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Remember, you can only have six different Ultima at one time, choose wisely! For low-turn-count setups (mostly Tiamat + Huanglong OTKs) you will want 5 Harps to achieve 100% Crit with a single Tiamat Omega summon.– Ancient Nalakuvara has two Magna ATK skills (but one expires after 8 turns) and in total provides more Magna ATK than any other option. Dual’s wind grid comparison: White or transparent. You only need 4 FLB and 1 0* harp to achieve 100% crit with 1 Tia but FLBing the last harp is highly encouraged due to the stats you'd be missing out on, and the extra skill levels making a fair bit of a difference. 9.6/10 from 7 users. As such it will cover the most common magna and primal wind grids and attempt to elaborate on why certain weapons are used in certain grids and will give a rough example of how a certain grid should look like after each explanation. It is particularly useful for 1T setups as it is very easy to take advantage of the extra Chain Burst damage cap for additional damage.– Hollowsky Weapons provide a way to exceed the Damage Cap via Supplemental Damage in addition to a base 20% EX/Unknown mod and another effect, but the effects only apply to characters of certain weapon proficiencies (see Hollowsky Weapon section).– Any other EX/Unknowns (such as ones from Story/Side Story Events) are fine as temporary filler, though you’ll likely only want to use a maximum of one sub-optimal EX/Unknown Weapons as they are probably not strong enough to warrant two grid slots. Re: Sky Ace The past history of the Eternals of Earth-9997 mostly mirrors that of their Earth-616 counterparts. - Wind ship is on but not the wind reactor. Spear of Repudiation - Big HP mod and Big Attack mod, coupled with cap break at flb and a really strong 3rd skill at ULB. Eventually, after c… Vortex of the Void (Grimnir’s unlock weapon) is a defensive mainhand similar to Murgleis, providing a 30% Cut (4* only) on the turn you use its CA; which can be combined with other cuts for Full Cut. 2 Vortex of the Void - main grid weapon, the core of the grid. 3. 20 Powerful Bible Quotes about God’s Eternal Love. GBF: Rank 191, ID: 19894114, LF: Shiva/Bonito/Baha Gold Bar drop count: 6. The Spear of Renunciation has both ATK and HP modifiers and can provide a Cap Up option at 4* and another modifier at 5* (Stamina is most commonly chosen [Elemental Attack may be another choice]). This grid should use at least one Normal Modifier Weapon, and really cant fit more than two (excluding the Seraphic Weapon). 7. For grids using Tiamat Gauntlet Omega instead of Bolts, the number of Magna weapons should be lower and therefore two EX/Unknown Weapons is likely to be optimal. Episode 02 45m. After the deities Bai Qian and Ye Hua meet and fall in love, their romance stands the test of three lifetimes — each an epic in its own right. Reunion (Grand Lecia’s unlock weapon) offers damage buffs on its CA instead of DA/TA, providing 20% Wind ATK and up to 15% Strength on its Charge Attack. First such option is the. The water grid is fine, though you … This guide's purpose is to showcase some of the most common set ups people aim for when building up a grid in wind. Got it months ago but never actually use it cause of how good the Magna guns are. Episode 05 45m. Its CA provides 10% charge bar as well as 30% CA DMG Up and 10% CA DMG Cap up to the party. Episode 03 45m. This grid should use a minimum of six Omega/Magna Weapons; ideally three Last Storm Harps, two or three Bolts and the Spear of Renunciation. Is this true? Ideally this setup has some source of Elemental Attack buffs (most commonly found through an  Ultima MH) maximize its potential.For in depth analysis on M2 Wind (out of date, but the math behind 3 harps still stands): Pooky’s Ponderings – Omega/Magna Wind Grid GuideOmega/Magna Weapons: 6-8 (Weapon Skills boosted by Tiamat Omega)EX/Unknown Weapons: 0-2Normal Weapons: 1-2Seraphic Weapon: 1 or 0. September 10, 2020 May 10, 2020 by Pooky. 6. The Charge Attacks of Grimnir M2 Weapons (available as Spear, Harp and Katana) provide 2.5 turns of 20% party DA/TA and a mirror image for the MC. This weapon should not be used without Elemental Advantage as it only provides 10-12% Normal ATK/HP from its Majesty skill which can be easily surpassed with other weapons. ‘ Grind blue Fantasy’ is its nickname. The bulk of your characters will be determined by gacha.However, GBF is unusual in its genre for basing your power level from items you can get in-game and without real money.You can still choose to spend money, however. Shrimp’s Unius guide: Also I like how your site loads way faster after the revamp and thanks for being a good source. Lacking in damage at full HP but very strong when Enmity is activated.Omega/Magna Weapons: 5-7 (Weapon Skills boosted by Tiamat Omega)EX/Unknown Weapons: 1-2Normal Weapons: 1-3Seraphic Weapon: 1 or 0Cosmic Weapon: ? High quality Gbf gifts and merchandise. The weapons used for this are generally up to personal preference and the options to choose from are, Honorable mentions - these weapons are good in some situations and can replace one of the flex options if needed. Main Hand weapon - same as for the standard M2 grid but with a much higher emphasis and priority on Love Eternal or Reunion as those 2 are actually valuable grid slots for primal due to their double attack mods. Ideally the EX/Unknowns should consist of Xeno, Proving Grounds, or Hollowsky Weapons as they are currently the strongest options.– Xeno weapons are the default choice and provide 23% EX/Unknown modifier as well as strong Charge Attack effects when used as mainhands. Therefore a party that includes Tiamat should opt to use another weapon in place of the Seraphic Weapon (usually a Bolt, EX Weapon, or Qinglong Spear). This grid should use a minimum of five Omega/Magna Weapons; ideally four or five Bolts and the Spear of Renunciation. Wind M2 provides a mix of Stamina and Enmity, alleviating the issue of M1 Winds low damage at high HP; a minimum of one more Omega/Magna weapon should be added to complete the base grid, either another Tiamat Bolt Omega or the Spear of Renunciation. If you are building your first team, a Bahamut weapon will be the single most influential weapon you can add to your party, so craft one for the race you have the most of; the main character's race is Unknown, so all Bahamut weapons will affect her/him. The Celestials' method of reproduction is to impregnate the planet with a portion of their energy (or embryo) as well as imbibe Vibranium into the planet's core.
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